Female Coach


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Female Only
All focus is really on you
Get the best out of yourself
Find your balance
Physically and mentally

Unique Fit

Discover your inner strength with UNIQUE FIT and the fastest way to your dream figure, overall fitness and inner balance.

Let’s work together on your goals in a fast and effective way!

More about-us More about our services

Unique Packages

With our packages you will find the fastest way to your dream figure, overall fitness and inner balance.

Unique Single Lesson
Unique Bundle
Unique ``summer body`` package
Unique Startup Package
Unique FIT Package
Unique Duo Package

What is EMS?

EMS stands for ‘Electro Muscular Stimulation’ and is an innovative training method that uses a stimulation suit with electrodes.

Let’s work together on your goals in a fast and effective way!

More about EMS


What our participants have to say about Unique Fit

I've been training with Gosia around 5 years both in group sessions and personal training. We have also recently started using the suit and it's been great. She's very knowledgeable and can adapt exercises to your personal needs but also having in mind your experience, your body mass, your metabolism, etc. I also did personal training during my pregnancy and kept a good condition thanks to her adapted sessions. She's very careful during the sessions and makes sure you don't have injuries, paying a lot of attention to warm up and stretching. She makes all trainings fun, to the point that you don't realise how much you've trained until next day! I can highly recommend Gosia for both beginners and experienced people.

Blanca ~ 38 Jaar
Simply amazing!

Bijzondere ervaring om met electroden/ impulsen in speciaal pak te trainen! Als fanatieke sportster heb ik dit vanwege een knieblessure uitgeprobeerd. Reden: Gewrichten worden ontlast, spieren versterkt. Gosia is een topper, een begaande trainster die goed kijkt naar wat je wél kan. Perfect om weer fit te worden!

Lisette ~ 48 Jaar
Perfect om weer fit te worden!

Ik train nu een aantal maanden bij Gosia aan met een EMS pak. Goede uitdagende training van een zeer ervaren coach. Ik heb opgemerkt dat mijn spieren sterker worden en dat er geen cellulitis meer over is. Ik train 2 keer per week en heb goede resultaten behaald.

Natasha ~ 48 Jaar
Goede uitdagende training!

Gosia listens very carefully to me and knows exactly how to motivate me! I really enjoy my time with her. Its every time exhausting, but also very fun! I really appriciate your expertise, Gosia, you rock girl!

Extremely Helpful